Saturday, November 28, 2009

My traits affirming my zodiac sign!

I was born on July 15th 1986 which makes me a cancerian or moon children. The most sensitive man in all zodiac. My emotions and mood change all the time like the moon changes its shape. This confuses others and yet this constant changes charm me.

I never go to get what i want directly, but wait for chance and opportunity to do so. Once i get what i want, i will not loose it, except if i get tired of it by myself. I can be called sensitive, i cares what other people feel or think about me. I hate loosing face and tends to over protect myself, so some times people think i am a cold person. Mystery and complexity play a major role in my life. I may be funny, very quiet, suddenly very sad. Living with me could be very unexpected, for you will not know what is my next mood.

If i feel hurt or depress i will stay at home alone quietly. I am very gentle and polite but not many people win my heart.

My security is only when i have money in my pocket. Once i feel secure i might think of having a happy family. Even i like to make and keep money, but i'm not stingy. I'm happy to spent money for people whom i like, i like to take them out and gift them. Certainly when i have money!

I'm possessive to everything that i think belong to me. It applies to every thing in my life, even for the women in my life. I like a secure, cheerful and lively women, confident but at the same time always act proper and appropriate and who is able to adjust to my rapid changes. A very difficult to find women indeed. If you are the one who wants my interest, then act and make yourself interesting. Be a supportive person and give me compliments some time, but not too much till i think you are not sincere. If i'm mad at some thing its better to stay away instead of trying to clarify until i calm down by myself. At that time a slight touch or concerned facial expression are enough to make me feel better. I think i should stop now! its too much and I’m tired. Usual cancerian mood swing....

Some of the famous cancerians :

Tom Hanks : July 9

Tom Cruise : July 3

Sylvester Stallone : July 6

And the Last action hero !

Hritvik.R : July 15

Thanks a lot for reading this stupefied Blog .. Ha.....

Knowwing God!

I'm not an atheist and i don't think i can call myself a pantheist.

The question whether there is a God is one which is decided on very different grounds by different communities and different individuals. The immense majority of mankind accept the prevailing opinion of their own community.But let us abandon this political and geographical way of considering religions, which has been increasingly rejected by thinking people ever since the time of the ancient Greeks. Ever since that time there have been men who were not content to accept passively the religious opinions of their neighbors, but endeavoured to consider what reason and philosophy might have to say about the matter.

There is a moralistic argument for belief in God, which was popularized by William James. According to this argument, we ought to believe in God because, if we do not, we shall not behave well. The first and greatest objection to this argument is that, at its best, it cannot prove that there is a God but only that politicians and educators ought to try to make people think there is one. Whether this ought to be done or not is not a theological question but a political one. The arguments are of the same sort as those which urge that children should be taught respect for the flag. A man with any genuine religious feeling will not be content with the view that the belief in God is useful, because he will wish to know whether, in fact, there is a God. It is absurd to contend that the two questions are the same. In the nursery, belief in Father Christmas is useful, but grown-up people do not think that this proves Father Christmas to be real.

There is a simpler and more naive form of the same argument, which appeals to many individuals. People will tell us that without the consolations of religion they would be intolerably unhappy. So far as this is true, it is a coward's argument. Nobody but a coward would consciously choose to live in a fool's paradise. When a man suspects his wife of infidelity, he is not thought the better of for shutting his eyes to the evidence. And I cannot see why ignoring evidence should be contemptible in one case and admirable in the other. Apart from this argument the importance of religion in contributing to individual happiness is very much exaggerated. Whether you are happy or unhappy depends upon a number of factors. Most people need good health and enough to eat. They need the good opinion of their social milieu and the affection of their intimates. They need not only physical health but mental health. Given all these things, most people will be happy whatever their theology. Without them, most people will be unhappy, whatever their theology. In thinking over the people I have known, I do not find that on the average those who had religious beliefs were happier than those who had not.

There is no reason to believe any of the dogmas of traditional theology and, further, that there is no reason to wish that they were true. Man, in so far as he is not subject to natural forces, is free to work out his own destiny. The responsibility is his, and so is the opportunity.

When it comes to the question, “Does God Exist,” there are really only two possible conclusions: God either is, or He isn’t. There’s no half-way. There’s no sliding scale. Whether you’re an atheist or whether you’re a theist, there’s a certain level of knowledge, and there’s a certain level of faith.

The existance of almighty is some thing which i cant apprehend. I am not an athiest because i believe in god, or otherwise a mystery, which is way beyond my apprehension; like how did the first life or first movement happened in the lifeless universe. Its allways better to live as an obtuse rather than being a stupid. Who knows like how we found out earth is round, and all the modern technologies and facts or reasons behind things or hapenings which we couldnt undedrstand till then, may be some time in future we solve the puzzle of this existance also...

How do i express my feelings!

You can not just tell everyone your true feelings when you need to. Talking is easier with your friends and family because they can understand you and accept your heartbreakings and disappointments through them and they can try to make everything right. When it comes to the others, you may need to swallow your words and hide your feelings for good. I have tried to solve this for along time now but nothing yet!

I’ve always been the kind of person to just take things as they come, and just deal with it. If I’m angry or frustrated about something, I just keep it inside. I don’t know why, it just makes me feel like I’m whining if I tell people all my feelings and stuff. One of my friends told me that he/she finds it hard to open up to me because I always hold things back from him/her, and that made me really think about how not sharing my feelings has an effect on people around me. I want people to be able to talk to me openly, but first I have to be open with other people.
I often find myself remaining silent even when I completely disagree with another person’s opinion.
My heart speaks softly and gently. In order to be in tune with my true feelings, I have to talk to the heart more one on one, with courtesy, respect, patience, and a strong desire to hear what he has to say.
When im in touch with my own feelings i m more real and authentic, im more honest with myself about who i am.
I no longer become numb when things are going on in my life which are negative or overwhelming. And i allways try to stay conscious to teh reality of life.

Live life moment-to-moment, day-to-day, and become reasonably happy realizing that feelings are a natural, human process.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Why i blog?

I think its great to share an idea and its not a new idea. Since the Internet was created, people have been able to connect, and communicate ideas with millions of people around the world. I Blog because i like to think that my words matter, but i dont think its making the world a better place.

I blog to blog. I blog because i dont think its socially acceptable to show emotion. I blog to write about what I'm thinking about. Its like a diary- just open to all. I blog because i have things to say, and i want to say them. I blog to be myself, only myself, and no one else. I blog to write about things I struggle with, and the things I think about. That is why I blog.